Monday, July 25, 2011

simply, amazed.

I am simply amazed at how true the Bible is. Week after week, day after day we fill our minds with the truth that comes from the Bible, the literal Word of God, but it is something entirely different when we begin to see the scriptures alive in our daily lives.

Throughout this summer, I have continually been challenged and urged by God to believe. Not to just know, but to believe. Not that I don't believe it all, because I do believe the entire Bible is true, but sometimes my flesh wants to believe lies and I have been working on dispelling them through the grace of God.

One, major area of sin in my life is knowledge. Whoever knew more in my family was considered 'better'. So, I prided myself on knowing things, but Paul says in I Corinthians 8:1
..."We all possess knowledge.” But knowledge puffs up while love builds up...
This verse has been my net the past few weeks while trying to 'break' my need to know everything. Yes, this is hard and impossible, without the needed grace that Jesus bestows to me, but he does and will continue to. It has even been interesting as the Lord humbles my life in this area to even dislike, for lack of a better term, knowledge.
I am humbled that the Lord continues to grow my life and get rid of certain sin in my life and draw me closer to himself through the process.

Reason #2 I am simply amazed is this verse - Habakkuk 1:5
“Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told."

This is the verse I have been praising the Lord for in regards to my job and the direction the Lord is generally leading my life. There are just certain things I want to know about my life, but I am not to know, and even if Jesus did tell me just as this verse says, I wouldn't believe him. If two years ago, going into nursing school, I would have been told I would get a job only a month after passing my boards with perfect hours, and a salary that is such a blessing, I would have laughed and said "Yea, right." God really does know what he is saying with this verse. Who would have thought ;) This verse has been such a blessing, and I am simply amazed at how true the Lord's promises to his people are. All he desires is a humble (no knowledge needed, praise the lord because honestly compared to the Lord I know nothing) and contrite heart.

Rejoice! For the King is enthralled by your beauty!

keep dancing

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