Monday, July 25, 2011

simply, amazed.

I am simply amazed at how true the Bible is. Week after week, day after day we fill our minds with the truth that comes from the Bible, the literal Word of God, but it is something entirely different when we begin to see the scriptures alive in our daily lives.

Throughout this summer, I have continually been challenged and urged by God to believe. Not to just know, but to believe. Not that I don't believe it all, because I do believe the entire Bible is true, but sometimes my flesh wants to believe lies and I have been working on dispelling them through the grace of God.

One, major area of sin in my life is knowledge. Whoever knew more in my family was considered 'better'. So, I prided myself on knowing things, but Paul says in I Corinthians 8:1
..."We all possess knowledge.” But knowledge puffs up while love builds up...
This verse has been my net the past few weeks while trying to 'break' my need to know everything. Yes, this is hard and impossible, without the needed grace that Jesus bestows to me, but he does and will continue to. It has even been interesting as the Lord humbles my life in this area to even dislike, for lack of a better term, knowledge.
I am humbled that the Lord continues to grow my life and get rid of certain sin in my life and draw me closer to himself through the process.

Reason #2 I am simply amazed is this verse - Habakkuk 1:5
“Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told."

This is the verse I have been praising the Lord for in regards to my job and the direction the Lord is generally leading my life. There are just certain things I want to know about my life, but I am not to know, and even if Jesus did tell me just as this verse says, I wouldn't believe him. If two years ago, going into nursing school, I would have been told I would get a job only a month after passing my boards with perfect hours, and a salary that is such a blessing, I would have laughed and said "Yea, right." God really does know what he is saying with this verse. Who would have thought ;) This verse has been such a blessing, and I am simply amazed at how true the Lord's promises to his people are. All he desires is a humble (no knowledge needed, praise the lord because honestly compared to the Lord I know nothing) and contrite heart.

Rejoice! For the King is enthralled by your beauty!

keep dancing

Friday, July 15, 2011

Blessings in Abundance

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!
Matthew 7:7-8, 11

A few months ago, I was relistening to a message by Dan Rude from the DTC, given sometime in November I believe. It was about prayer. The Lord has recently been challenging me to cultivate a prayer life that is pleasing to him. Dan shared this verse and it has been my companion when it comes to prayer, and oh my how the Lord has used it!

He has been extremely faithful in my life just giving me what I ask for. There was a point in the message that Dan shared "I don't want to get to heaven and see all I could have had, but I didn't ask for it." Now, that does not give me the right to ask for ridiculous things, such as a brand new car, or a million dollars, or anything off the wall, but just what I need and that I can trust the Lord to provide. So, I was praying about how it would be really nice to have a twin bed frame just not even really thinking much about it. Then I saw some garage sale signs in my neighborhood and was like, "Oh, I love garage sales!" So I went and lo behold, there was a beautiful twin black (my favorite color to decorate with) bed frame for 7 dollars! I was so blown away by the Lord's abundant provision! I then took a step back and realized that the Lord will come through for every time. Sometimes it may not be the exact answer I want or desire, but it is the answer that advances His Kingdom, puts him on the throne, not myself, and is best for my life, even when I think I know best.

This brings me to the real reason for blogging twice in one week! For over 3 years I and countless others (thank you by the way, Jesus will reward you better than I ever will be able too) have been praying for a job once I graduated nursing school. I had an interview a week ago today, at an Allergy and Asthma Clinic, here in Des Moines, and I was offered the job on Wednesday! Honestly, I could not have hand-picked a better job for me! The hours are perfect (I'll be part-time since I am working with Campus Fellowship at DMACC part-time as well), the staff seem wonderful, the job not too intense, and hopefully and prayerfully a place the gospel will be advanced. I will probably be the youngest person there by a few years, but it doesn't scare me. They all seem like family there, so I am trusting the Lord I'll fit in and be able to glorify him in this position as an RN. The Lord has also answered many other prayers in regard to this job and I am still in awe of his abundant provision.

Lastly, thank you to all the people who interceded on my behalf to the giver of all things and who has for now blessed me with this! Your prayers have been coveted since the day I started nursing school. It was a giant in my life, but by God's grace and love and the victory that I already have received by Jesus' death on the cross, I was successful! These verses describe well, how I feel,

"Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted. Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done gloriously; let this be made known in all the earth. Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel"
Isaiah 12:4-6

Praise the Lord, for he has done excellent things!


Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer is Satisfying

This summer, which I cannot believe is half over!, has been a completely challenging yet super satisfying! I am still astounded as I look around and see the way the Lord continually provides for me daily, weekly, and even hourly.

As most know I took NCLEX, a test to see if I could practice as a nurse in the state of Iowa, and by God's complete provision and mercy, I PASSED! I was incredibly humbled, throughout the two days I waited for results, by the way the Lord canvased me with peace and grace about them. It wasn't about passing or failing, it was about rejoicing in who Christ is to me and what he does for me daily.

Since passing, the job hunt has been in full force. I am looking for part-time clinic jobs due to working with Campus Fellowship at DMACC come August. It is definitely bitter-sweet looking for new jobs, because it means leaving KTC is a reality in my life. I realize it is most likely time for me to move on and learn new challenges, meet new people, and learn to serve the Lord in a new capacity. I am excited to see where the Lord will have me! So, I have applied to just about every clinic job I have seen posted that is part-time and had my first interview on Friday! They were wonderful and I will find out tomorrow if I got the job or not! I would be working in a small office doing allergy testing and shots along with PFT (pulmonary function tests) for people who have asthma, along with lots of education, which is my favorite!

Not really thinking anything of it, I applied to a job on Saturday, where I would be going around in the community giving immunizations, such a flu shots. Today they called me and hired me! It is a seasonal job and extremely flexible! I will be able to basically pick my own hours and where I want to go! I was completely blown away by the Lord's provision here! He loves to bless in incredible ways!

Looking back on the last month, I have been so grateful by the Lord's presence. Throughout the summer our church has a leadership training program called EpiCenter. Weekly, we have other pastors from other Great Commission Churches come in and speak. This year has been mind-blowing, humbling, challenging, and just all around wonderful! I am so thankful these men have decided to 'fight the good fight of faith' and walk with the Lord all these years, for their wisdom they bestow on me and what I can learn. A couple weeks ago, the message was about faithfulness. I was so challenged in the way I have been living and to be more faithful with the things the Lord has entrusted to me. God values faithfulness and therefore so should I. Then Dan on Saturday night talked about serving and that was pretty much a slap in the face and the two tied in so well! To be faithful in serving the Lord throughout my days will sometimes not be the top item on my list, but as a Christ follower it is what I am called to do. By the grace of God, I am starting to see tiny improvements and all of the glory goes to Him!

Also, the girls and myself for lifegroup this summer are going through a book by Angela Thomas called Do you think I'm beautiful? (yes, if some of you remember this is why my blog is called, what it's called) She uses the analogy throughout the book about dancing with Jesus and how we sometimes miss the dance due to different 'womanly' issues we need to deal with.

A couple weeks ago, we read a chapter entitled "The Other Lovers". Basically it just went through different things that take Jesus' spot in our lives and how we need to understand and realize that nothing will fill our hearts and satisfy our desires, longings, passions, etc except Jesus and how we must give him that spot in our life. This was a very humbling chapter for me and somewhere it says "...we must realize that we are unable, but Jesus is able." After reading that a whole bunch of other stuff just kind of fell into place, because I needed to realize that I was trying to make them happen and it wasn't God's divine plan. Despite my sin, God's beauty, grace, and ability still remain. He is able to make me whole and able to give me my desires, not myself.

Prayerfully, this summer will only continue to grow my faith and love for Jesus and I'll be dancing more in August than I was in May.

until then.... REJOICE!

* Isaiah 58:11
* Habakkuk 1:5