Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So if anyone does read this, you have realized its been A LONG TIME! Well, SO many NEW things have happened I think I have been so busy never wanted to consider blogging :/.

Well, my roommates and I have since moved into a new house in Des Moines. (not new, but new to us :o)) We are finally getting settled in since moving in in November! It has been a little bit of an adjustment, but a wonderful one! Also, there was Thanksgiving, Christmas, Faithwalkers, New Years, and most likely bunches of little other random items I have forgotten in the list.

But now there this is a NEW semester and it is seemingly going well for now. I didn't do as well as hoped to on my first exam, but hopefully I'll study more and know more for the next one, in two weeks! There are 15 weeks until I graduate! OH, HOW SWEET IT FEELS! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I just want to do well and NOT fail this class! I have 7 weeks of this class and clinical left before my preceptorship. Preceptorship is like an internship. I will get assigned to a nurse and I will work her schedule on her floor for 72 hours. It is basically like an interview, so my prayer is for an excellent preceptor even if the floor isn't my first preference. You could all be praying for that, that would be very appreciated!

Spring Break is approaching us, and as some may know, I went to Wales last year with WCCC. This year we are venturing to the Dominican Republic to help out a sister church from Gainesville, Florida who will be planting a church in July. I am nervous and excited all in the same feeling. There are quite a few precautions to take while traveling there and I do not speak Spanish, so grace in that will be very much needed! Praise the Lord for that! If you are willing please continue to pray for this trip. The provision of the Lord, His leading, illness would not plague us, wisdom, grace, strength, fruit that would last, soft willing hearts to hear the Gospel, boldness and courage to share. Thank you for your prayers!

This verse my homegroup/bible study is memorizing is Ephesians 1:7-8a "In Him we have redemption, through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according the riches of his grace, which he lavished on us." I am so thankful that Jesus bought and PAID IN FULL for me,with his blood. What a cost he took for me. I am eternally grateful. He has made my life 1,000 times more than what it would be if I was leading it! Hopefully soon. I'll update about campus fellowship and what the Lord has been doing there with pictures :) I just have to figure out how to upload them...

Dancing with Jesus