Sunday, February 20, 2011

Burden Bearer

As this month is waning and the next is approaching, I am just reminded how the Lord is a comfort to those of us who are struggling with so many things. As most know, I am in my last semester of Nursing School and it is a DOOZY! I never imagined the Lord would challenge me in the areas he is, but I can rejoice and rest assured that one day, hopefully not too far off he will prevail, and nursing school will be a thing of the past.

I have just been so thankful to have brothers, sisters, and family supporting me during this trying time. But most of all Jesus wants to help me, and I am learning the act of surrendering what I think I can handle.

28“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

This has been my comforter and my rock during this time of trial. I am just so thankful that My God is stronger than nursing school and that HE HAS CONQUERED THE GRAVE! My hope is found in heaven and that is what I am trying to make my mindset! Praise the Lord for abounding grace!

I have a test in the morning so if any of you feel compelled to pray for me that would be so fabulous. There are only 4 more weeks of this class and only by the grace of God will I pass this class. Thank you for interceding on my behalf.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Some of you may not know, but my blog name used to be "Beauty from Ashes". Why did you change it, you ask? Well, someone else had the name "Life's a Dance" that goes to the DTC, and I didn't want to 'steal' it...however, I do not know her. So I decided to change it ha!
However, the real reason I changed it, is due to a powerful book I read with a girl at DMACC called "Do you think I'm Beautiful" by Angela Thomas. I RECOMMEND EVERY GIRL TO READ THIS BOOK! This book changed my heart and mind towards Jesus and my relationship towards him. She just relates it to dancing with Jesus and I just LOVED that analogy.

After reading a friend's blog, (a friend, that I have never met, but I feel like I know them) my heart became so heavy for them. They have undergone a battle of brain cancer in their now 7 year old daughter who was 5 when first diagnosed. They think the cancer could possible have returned. They covet your prayers right now. Her name is Kate and she, just doesn't understand. However, she has found Jesus through this process of the cancer, so PRAISE THE LORD FOR THAT! Pray for peace for her family (mom-Holly, dad-Aaron, sister-Olivia, and brother-Will) Her family is young and her father is a pastor of a church in Arizona. I trust Jesus to have the best plan in story for Kate and her family as this journey continues! Her blog is on the side of mine. ( Caring Bridge) if you want to stay up to date on her story. They love the Lord, so intercede on their behalf!

Also, for Rex Rude. He is doing much better, but still needs some progress! Keep praying for Meg, Dan, Quinn, Myla and of course Rex. They as well, covet your prayers for their precious baby! (Check out their blog..on the side Wee Rudes)

While I was looking for verses this AM, if ran across this song by Rebecca St. James. What wonderful truth to believe! Trusting you are!

Keep Dancing...