Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Glancing back at May

Wow, its once again almost been a month since I have blogged. May was not a very eventful month, but one thing that always remains steady, constant is Jesus Christ. I am thankful that his character is ever constant and as I yield to his spirit, he will grow me more and more like himself. Even through babysitting for five days, my sisters turning 20, a four day review course, Johnston finishing school, and Summer KTC starting, I am so thankful that God remains faithful in my life and through the lives of my brothers and sisters.

A couple other things, my cousin Trent got married to Joa this past weekend! It was such a lovely wedding and the way the Lord was honored suited them perfectly. I am excited for them to return from the Dominican Republic and settle in their apartment in West Des Moines. Hopefully, I'll be able to spend sometime with them since they are so close. Trent and Joa, I pray the Lord blesses your marriage richly as you grow to seek the Lord individually and together.

Finally, m2tc, or Mission to the City wraps up today in DSM. My church has a mission trip to Des Moines annually, with this year being the second year. I was unable to participate this year, but was able to join up with the DMACC ladies group on Sunday evening and all day Monday. It has been a blessing to see faith grow and hopefully lives be changed forever due to these five days spend working and sowing the truth in Des Moines. I am so thankful for my leaders hearts for this city and the time and effort they have put into planning this trip. Some of the stuff the groups have done are free oil changes and car washes, working on our building downtown, helping other churches do various projects, working at Ruth Harbor, Iowa Right to Life, Easter Seals, handing out free breakfast downtown to business men and women, along with going out sharing and door-to-door knocking to invite them to the free concert on Friday night. Aaron Gillespie is putting on a free show downtown, if you are interested please get your ticket and print it at this website It is bound to be a fabulous show.
I am excited to see the fruit from this week, weather it is this life or the next, I know the Lord will tremendously use the faith of those who labored these five days.

This year, I have been reading the Chronological Bible and now we are to King Solomon son of David after King David died. Seeing Solomon's life so humbly given to the Lord has been very challenging. All he asked for when he became King was understanding and discernment. The Lord was astounded he didn't ask for honor or riches that the Lord gave him both, understanding and discernment and riches and honor. The Lord said there would be none as wise as him. (I Kings 3:7-14, 28) It gave me a new found respect for the Proverbs and am excited to read and grow from them in a few days. I am starting to see the need for wisdom so much more throughout my daily life. After seeing my class for summer KTC yesterday there could be some challenges and I want Christ to be proclaimed through the way I handle children and other staff members. Therefore, wisdom is a precious gift during this stage in my life, also as to where to look for jobs, which job to take (hopefully there will be more than one offer :)), and when and how much to study for boards. That is my prayer request, to gain understanding and wisdom in needed areas to shine like Jesus more and more to this lost generation.

until next time keep dancing with Jesus

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